Hello 2024- I am here.

So I made it-No, not in one piece-missing parts, but another Birthday, another Christmas, another year! I survived chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, immunotherapy and I am cancer free. The recovery and rebuilding has not been easy but I feel like I am on solid ground with a plan.

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Financial Literacy Month

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TV Propaganda


I just opined on twitter that Leave it to Beaver was a more realistic and more progressive view of the family than This is Us. Leave it to Beaver struggled every week with actions, consequences and questions of right and wrong. This is Us tells us don’t worry as long as your heart is in the right place that is enough.

As you know I have a rare disease. It is not visible and it is not obvious what activities will give me difficulty. When I was in grade school a very nice high school boy spent several hours over several days teaching me to ice skate. I had been very frustrated that I was incapable of basic movement on the ice. He was strong and kind and actually helpful. He was killed the next year in Vietnam. My response like many of my generation was to oppose the war and demand we bring our boys home. Jack’s storyline promised a new look at this important time in our shared history. Jack volunteering for Vietnam to protect his sensitive brother who was drafted is well written and well acted but the message? What does Jack learn? Do we meet antiwar GI’s? activists?

Similarly, Kate is devastated that her Dad dies saving her dog. Myself, I would hold that dog close that last act of love from my Dad. If the dog and my relationship with the dog was important to my Dad to risk his life, I would honor that act. But Kate is too embarrassed. She gives the dog away and avoids pets for decades. No one in the family offers an alternative view. Nothing is expected of her. Nothing is received or expected from her Mom. This is consistent- updated, smug, middle-class propaganda. Popular culture unites us around values. Is this our unity? We are good because we had good intentions? In 2022 is this us?

This was originally published in May after my heartbreak as the show ended. It was my show- passed the Bechdel test, did not feature authoritarian law enforcement or superheros, seemed to be pro-people. I have avoided the blog because I feared it was emotional and cringe, but 4 months later, yeah it’s my analysis and my wake-up. There are a few shows that are intermittently humanitarian and/or entertaining , that is all we can expect at this late, crisis filled stage of capitalism.

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Eulogy for Mickey Jarvis 2005

Hello, I am Danielle, feminist, proletarian, critiquist, queer and I am here to praise Mickey.

To me the left today is a network of closed shops- the hard left an exclusive club.  The left I remember was diverse, multi-racial, multi-cultural and Mickey was one of it’s genial hosts and I thank him for changing my comfort zone. The movement was many diverse persons and populations in action around similar issues and the fun was recognizing, welcoming, stretching, growing, and uniting with possibility.

NYU Uptown was deli owners kids- first generation to college- 150 varieties of Zionist youth- not demonstrators but I got brought to the movement there by Lee who gave me my first leaflet- a brilliant tract on Why We Demand Open Admissions.  He got me through my first meetings by defending me from the boys whose idea of welcome was to attack my ” small town girl goes to the big city” hair and clothes.  He literally held my hand through my first demonstration as we gathered anti-war demonstrators beneath red flags for a march on the Justice Department for Bobby Seale and then he stuck us all covered in tear gas in the back of a UHaul trailer and I never spoke to him again but I was hooked, in, in and looking.

There was no joy the day I realized that despite my efforts to find a niche in feminism I was going to be stuck with Mickey, Lee, Dennis and Phil.  Afeni Shakur, newly released from jail tried to persuade the women of our printing collective to overlook the obnoxious behavior of the Panther liaison who demeaned the women with language like chick and broad.  Mickey, as usual one minute brilliant, next minute incoherent tried to move us back to unity around our broader struggle for justice while the women devolved- self-centered, inflexible, out of touch, out of proportion, ridiculous.  I walked away with the men but I was not happy.

It was difficult to be a feminist in the early RU. (Revolutionary Union)  Red Papers the Woman Question might have been charming a few years earlier or even a few years later but released at the height of the construction and debate of feminist theory it was an embarassment.  No male leader had a worse reputation for tacky male chauvinism than our Bob.  Most of the national females came with marriage not the movement.  But NY was different- We had so many strong women from so many NY groupings.

It was difficult being a feminist in the radical feminist movement if you were more politician than theoretician, more propagandist than artist- It was hell to be a feminist in the mainstream women’s movement if you were more an activist than a lobbyist; a rabble rouser not a role model. And if you were class conscious, anti-racist and anti-imperialist it was difficult to even dialogue with this group.

So we had the white, straight appearing. kickass, movement leading women in our sphere- Marta, Chris, Both Lauras, Paige, Susan, Judy, Amy, and Terry partly because there was nowhere else to go and partly because Mickey was not going to let them go nowhere we united with women of experience and respect whose consciousness had been raised. Yet soon, for many years, we were a socially conservative woman stifling anachronism.

It is not my fault but I played my part and I have an apology.  Mickey and I were elected chairs of the Bronx collective and I do not remember that we ever met.  We both retreated to some comfort zone that  used our mates to intercede-interface-run interference.  I knew Mickey’s strengths but he annoyed the hell out of me for stupid reasons like the small town family value that intoxication should be closeted and filled with shame not indulged.  So I did not even rise to my own usual level of hyper -responsibility.  I held my breath while I waited for my women’s collective.  Familiar, In alcohol and drug counseling we talk about the hundreds of irrelevant decisions that lead to relapse; the hundreds of irrelevant actions that lead to disaster.

Mickey was the mentor I needed to succeed in my dreams to organize women into labor unions.  Watching my family outwit the local democratic party and get smashed by the local labor movement gave me a little working class experience and a lot of passion but not the political skill or stamina I needed for this fight.  I sabotaged my own dream when I stopped real community building; when I forgot to unite with all who can be united.

Do I minimize?  The male chauvinism was deep and sophisticated and Mickey was a part of it but the response- yeah do you remember a response equal to the talent of any of the women in the organization? Mickey did need a push  out of his comfort zone- I could have started it.  Both of us smart, determined and socially retarded- could we model democracy and diversity from a partnership? maybe, no one else did, certainly not the feminist movement, but we didn’t, we did not really try and I grieve it all.

Good bye, Mickey- GIve a Shout out to Marta and Leibel and Eddie and Beverly! Forgive me International Working Class!  All Power to the People Who Love the People and Fight the Real Enemy!

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Recovery during the Pandemic

I met Jason Williams at CCAR Recovery Center in Willimantic. This, most recent podcast, is with the Recovery Center Manager John Schwartz.


This is a follow-up interview.


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Poem by Jason Williams

I’ll build a better me, in case tomorrow isn’t my day

Today, I’ll love me, today I’ll be strong

Be careful who you let go, today I’ll hold on

Memories from a lost time, visitors from a lost mind

Highly educated, motivated but still I caused crimes

Streets narrated my events, as I passed time

Use my words. When I represent, and I blast mine

And verbally, incapable of holding back, I’m owning that.

Don’t blame me, blame God, he got control of that

He left me, with the reason, to advocate the meaning

So, I ain’t with the BS now, cuz I ain’t using that

And word to the wise, tread slow and pace breath

Cuz you never know, if that next one the last one left

As the days goes pass, I remember I’m blessed

Because I can always remember reasons, to say I’m stressed

But I’m in good health, and my kids are too

And no matter what I can’t, there always something I can do

And it owe it to the rooms, and the people who keep it green

The still sick and suffering, know exactly what I mean

Because it is great to have somewhere, where you relate

And are able to express your views, without experiencing hate

So I strive to be better, and express how I do

Hopefully, you’ll understand, that I appreciate you

I am inspired by people, I want what they got

I see the have’s strive, because they once were have nots.

I’ve seen men with felonies, go to own their own businesses

I’ve seen old school pimps, go to marriage from owning women

I’ve seen tons of hallowed people, open hearts and find love

Not realizing they’re broke, to getting fix and finding up

We use to get a fix, start the spiral and held down

I am inspired by the people who came, and stuck around.

I am inspired by the people who have and want more

Who realized they have a voice, and chose not to be ignored.

Who take what they have, and go help those in need.

Those who choose to give back, those people inspired me

Thoughts of a broken man, I need a fix

I hope for a different response, doing the same shit

Sorry, if I’m ungrateful but I deserve better

And I changed and Nothing’s changed, when will I see better

Not soon we all know, but I pray for progress.

RIP Jason, March 11, 1982- November 7, 2021

He came and stuck around-took what he had, and helped those in need

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I have met some famous people:

Politics give you access to famous people or you interact with people who become famous. Senator Abraham Ribicoff, I met as a child and I continue to meet all my Senators and Representatives. Rev Jesse Jackson I met in TN and CT. Politicians are/were all extremely pleasant except for Al D’Amato. Bella Abzug was a bit frightening to sit in a meeting with but also awesome. Major Owens was so nice I remembered him as fighting harder than history records.

Not many contacts with show business people-I met Peter MacNichol as an extra when his star was on the rise and he was very gracious. William Fichtner I hailed down on the street in the pouring rain to try to get his autograph for my Aunt Mamie’s birthday- (he was the villain on her favorite soap opera) and he could not have been more kind. I met Paul McCartney at my friend’s place of work and Marvin Gaye getting off his tour bus in Milwaukee. Both lovely. I was not positively impressed by Colleen Dewhurst when I was an extra on her set. My very talented, highly regarded jazz singer niece may become famous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCBUt_OvMuA

As an activist and a Leftist I met Afeni Shakur, Huey Newton, Chou En Lai, Chen Yung Kwai, Sylvia Rivera, Flo Kennedy, Walter Davis, Fran Beal, Rev Doughtery, Rev Cone and many others.

Linus Pauling American Scientist #LinusPauling # ...

Linus Pauling I met as an aspiring scientist at 15 and he was very encouraging. I met Victor Reuther at college and he was highly entertaining. I also met Ronald Reagan at college when I worked in cafeteria (so was not able to give him a piece of my mind, although he did absolutely charm the students who ate at his table).

As far as heroes, everyone is capable of heroic acts. Heroism is real; Heroes? the people I met were people-some strong, some inspiring, some disappointing, some with heroic histories they later dishonored, some with ugly pasts they were making amends. Hero or villain? Binary thinking does not helps us appreciate experience and history.

The Communist outlook believes The people are the motive force in world history and the masses are the real heroes. Heroism is “to live and to die for the people”. Something to think about. Maybe soon I will talk about the real heroes I have met; they are not famous people but brave, kind, curious.

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Much to my surprise, I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Stage 3c Breast Cancer almost a year ago.

My parents did not become ill or frail until they were nearing 80. I began graying and needed glasses in my fifties like my parents. My expectation was another decade of decent health as I continued to follow in their footsteps. Surprise!

I have completed 6 months of chemotherapy, surgery and I am half way through my immunotherapy. I am feeling good, look better with 40 less pounds, and am hoping to resume my blog and my radio show. My radio show just started last year. You can catch up if you so desire at https://www.cvcct.org/radio. It is ROOT- Running Out Of Time.


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Why I, an Ornery Old, am Still a Socialist

I loved the Space Program. In elementary school, I wrote odes to the astronauts. Marshalled resources, united action and common commitment allowed us to put a man on the moon. This is the power and possibility of government and I was a believer. I was supported in this view by my parents who as children had seen similar efforts pull us out of depression, and onto the battlefield and victory against the fascists.

The question was what would be the nature and content of the government projects. This lead me to left politics. In left activism, I saw the power of the underdog. There were freedom fighters in SouthEast Asia and Africa holding on against the military might of Europe and the US. There were new healthcare and education systems prioritizing care for the entire citizenry developing throughout the world.

My picture, I am in left upper corner

In 1971, at the age of 19, in the middle of The Cultural Revolution, I was given a trip to China. In that year, Chou En Lai proclaimed the Nanjiing Yangtze River Bridge and the Red Flag Canal miracles of modern China. The bridge was one of the first successful all Chinese Engineering Projects. The Canal was a miracle of people power. I do not really remember the Bridge but the Canal was an inspiration. It remains one for many. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42532-019-00037-z

Using hand chisels and other manual instruments they chipped their way through a mountain to bring a river onto their land to irrigate their fields. They hoped to complete in a year, but it took many more. They lost people to tunnel collapse but they persisted. When I was there they had been irrigating their fields while engineering the water as a power source. Creative, brave, resilient-Chileans sang- “the people united can never be defeated” and Chinese peasants proved them correct. The government and party slogan “Serve the People” united belief in government as a vehicle for transformational change and the potential for the people to transform their world with the support of the government. I had been dubious that I was a good choice for this trip but the organizers assured me that it was a good investment in the future because I would not give up the dream once I saw it on its way to fulfillment and they were correct. It powered me for years.

50 years later, the dream is stalled or destroyed. The people united are often defeated.

Now what? The Naked Ape, 1967, presented man as a resourceful and imaginative animal but an animal, first and last. At 15, I found this offensive. At 69, I find this useful; we are pack animals. The culture of the pack is vitally important. A dog eat dog culture produces a lot of dogs. A culture that promotes care, compassion, democracy will produce many really nice people and groups. However, this kind culture can be undermined by those few who aspire to be top dog, head of the pack. Capitalism promotes the alpha dog and gives them an ideology to camouflage their narcissism. Socialism promotes us not me and gives an ideology that promotes cooperation and community. Pack animals can undermine this system also but we need a system that says yes to government as a vehicle for positive structural change, yes to full democracy, yes to policies that give life and freedom to pursue happiness to the many. Socialism is the only reasonable option today.

I have been looking at this since January 16, 2021. It is time to post. Maybe some discussion will develop and flesh out some more ideas.

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Is it Science-based? or Politics?

We believe in science. Our solutions are science-based. These are the reassurances of our new Democratic Administration. For millions of us, that is a huge relief.

The previous White House famously requested the CDC cease the use of science-based or evidence-based terminology. ( https://www.newsweek.com/trump-bans-cdc-using-these-seven-words-) The previous administration preferred “The “CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes.” Community standards arose as a legal term in the 50’s in regard to pornography and obscenity laws. That science recommendations would be filtered through local sensibilities and sensitivities was worrisome. Science-based means that policy decisions are made using scientific methods. Observe, question, propose explanation, predict, test, repeat- This is the scientific method. When you implement policy on an issue, scientific research on that issue should support your decision. Policy reflects the facts as known.

Science-based is based on scientific method. Science-based is more than “our approved professional says.” In the last year of quarantine a number of announcements have purported to be science-based from both administrations. Last year we were warned against mask wearing from our public health officials. Several months later, those same public health officials admitted that it was politics not science that prompted that message. There was a concern that PPE would not be available for medical personnel if the public was advised to mask up. Likewise, there was a recommendation when the vaccines became available that persons who had contracted covid19 should wait 90 days before vaccinating. This too was a political consideration that vaccines might not be available for essential workers rather than a scientific assessment of vaccine after infection. The CDC has changed it’s recommendation of social distancing of 6 feet apart to 3 feet apart. They claim to have new science after a year of 6 feet messaging and during a week with news reports of infection from 20 feet. The new recommendation does support 100% opening of schools which is a key political goal. “Science-based” seems to be a tool to avoid frank and open discussion.

CT is getting some positive reviews for getting “shots in arms.”The Democratic State Government of CT set a vaccination schedule based on age alone. It is not science based and does not purport to be, The Governor of NY forced covid infected patients into nursing homes, That was not science based, There has been pushback from the disability advocacy community on both policies but not from many other professionals.

Last fall, October 2020 the Philip Morris International released a white paper calling for scientific evidence to guide future public and personal decisions. “The white paper details the findings of an international survey conducted by independent research firm Povaddo for PMI, which highlights the public’s desire for companies to develop solutions based on science, and its expectation that these companies should only be allowed to make claims which are substantiated by science…Yet, while 84 percent also supported governments taking the latest science into account when making policy decisions, only 51 percent thought governments were currently making a good job of it… A substantial majority in the survey indicated that science was important in influencing their personal decisions, such as when to return to a normal working life (78 percent), when to take public transport (68 percent), and when to attend large events.” (59 percent)(.https://www.pmi.com/media-center/news/in-support-of-the-primacy-of-science.) The public overwhelmingly believes science and wants to hear the truth. Science-based should be more than a slogan. The media frames cynicism of the citizenry toward the government’s policy pronouncements as anti-science. In fact, the public desires robust science and transparency about policy decisions. Like Healthcare for All and living wage, science-based policy is supported by the majority of the citizenry. ” Progressive” politicians are failing us and our democracy here too.

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