
Much to my surprise, I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Stage 3c Breast Cancer almost a year ago.

My parents did not become ill or frail until they were nearing 80. I began graying and needed glasses in my fifties like my parents. My expectation was another decade of decent health as I continued to follow in their footsteps. Surprise!

I have completed 6 months of chemotherapy, surgery and I am half way through my immunotherapy. I am feeling good, look better with 40 less pounds, and am hoping to resume my blog and my radio show. My radio show just started last year. You can catch up if you so desire at https://www.cvcct.org/radio. It is ROOT- Running Out Of Time.


About danizoey

recovery coach and health advocate, former- telephone operator, secretary, autoworker, prevention educator, case manager, seminary dropout, auctioneer, bootlegger's granddaughter, - always opinionated, struggling to act justly, to love mercy and to walk both humbly & proudly.
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