TV Propaganda


I just opined on twitter that Leave it to Beaver was a more realistic and more progressive view of the family than This is Us. Leave it to Beaver struggled every week with actions, consequences and questions of right and wrong. This is Us tells us don’t worry as long as your heart is in the right place that is enough.

As you know I have a rare disease. It is not visible and it is not obvious what activities will give me difficulty. When I was in grade school a very nice high school boy spent several hours over several days teaching me to ice skate. I had been very frustrated that I was incapable of basic movement on the ice. He was strong and kind and actually helpful. He was killed the next year in Vietnam. My response like many of my generation was to oppose the war and demand we bring our boys home. Jack’s storyline promised a new look at this important time in our shared history. Jack volunteering for Vietnam to protect his sensitive brother who was drafted is well written and well acted but the message? What does Jack learn? Do we meet antiwar GI’s? activists?

Similarly, Kate is devastated that her Dad dies saving her dog. Myself, I would hold that dog close that last act of love from my Dad. If the dog and my relationship with the dog was important to my Dad to risk his life, I would honor that act. But Kate is too embarrassed. She gives the dog away and avoids pets for decades. No one in the family offers an alternative view. Nothing is expected of her. Nothing is received or expected from her Mom. This is consistent- updated, smug, middle-class propaganda. Popular culture unites us around values. Is this our unity? We are good because we had good intentions? In 2022 is this us?

This was originally published in May after my heartbreak as the show ended. It was my show- passed the Bechdel test, did not feature authoritarian law enforcement or superheros, seemed to be pro-people. I have avoided the blog because I feared it was emotional and cringe, but 4 months later, yeah it’s my analysis and my wake-up. There are a few shows that are intermittently humanitarian and/or entertaining , that is all we can expect at this late, crisis filled stage of capitalism.

About danizoey

recovery coach and health advocate, former- telephone operator, secretary, autoworker, prevention educator, case manager, seminary dropout, auctioneer, bootlegger's granddaughter, - always opinionated, struggling to act justly, to love mercy and to walk both humbly & proudly.
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