I have met some famous people:

Politics give you access to famous people or you interact with people who become famous. Senator Abraham Ribicoff, I met as a child and I continue to meet all my Senators and Representatives. Rev Jesse Jackson I met in TN and CT. Politicians are/were all extremely pleasant except for Al D’Amato. Bella Abzug was a bit frightening to sit in a meeting with but also awesome. Major Owens was so nice I remembered him as fighting harder than history records.

Not many contacts with show business people-I met Peter MacNichol as an extra when his star was on the rise and he was very gracious. William Fichtner I hailed down on the street in the pouring rain to try to get his autograph for my Aunt Mamie’s birthday- (he was the villain on her favorite soap opera) and he could not have been more kind. I met Paul McCartney at my friend’s place of work and Marvin Gaye getting off his tour bus in Milwaukee. Both lovely. I was not positively impressed by Colleen Dewhurst when I was an extra on her set. My very talented, highly regarded jazz singer niece may become famous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCBUt_OvMuA

As an activist and a Leftist I met Afeni Shakur, Huey Newton, Chou En Lai, Chen Yung Kwai, Sylvia Rivera, Flo Kennedy, Walter Davis, Fran Beal, Rev Doughtery, Rev Cone and many others.

Linus Pauling American Scientist #LinusPauling # ...

Linus Pauling I met as an aspiring scientist at 15 and he was very encouraging. I met Victor Reuther at college and he was highly entertaining. I also met Ronald Reagan at college when I worked in cafeteria (so was not able to give him a piece of my mind, although he did absolutely charm the students who ate at his table).

As far as heroes, everyone is capable of heroic acts. Heroism is real; Heroes? the people I met were people-some strong, some inspiring, some disappointing, some with heroic histories they later dishonored, some with ugly pasts they were making amends. Hero or villain? Binary thinking does not helps us appreciate experience and history.

The Communist outlook believes The people are the motive force in world history and the masses are the real heroes. Heroism is “to live and to die for the people”. Something to think about. Maybe soon I will talk about the real heroes I have met; they are not famous people but brave, kind, curious.

About danizoey

recovery coach and health advocate, former- telephone operator, secretary, autoworker, prevention educator, case manager, seminary dropout, auctioneer, bootlegger's granddaughter, - always opinionated, struggling to act justly, to love mercy and to walk both humbly & proudly.
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