Old Friends

I met Ray and his then wife Claire in Chicago  back in the late 1970’s.  I was convinced to move from the Bronx to Chicago to do political work.  I was leafleting and door knocking in the  Lithuanian neighborhood  of Marquette Park-where the Nazi Party had set up an office.  I did connect with a few local people who had tangled with the Nazis.  Then, according to my neighbors , I had the Nazis visit my apartment.  Ray and his friend Roberto were supportive and they were the two people I knew would come quickly if they returned.  The next year , a former beau and fellow activist, dragged me out of my apartment at gunpoint and drove me back to his home.  He did fire his rifle at me but missed because he was incredibly drunk and I was able to get away when he fell asleep shortly thereafter- (and no, the police did not respond to the gunshot.) Again, Ray and Roberto were supportive and they were the only two male activist friends that I felt had my back.  I love this man.  This is not my video but gives a sense of him.

About danizoey

recovery coach and health advocate, former- telephone operator, secretary, autoworker, prevention educator, case manager, seminary dropout, auctioneer, bootlegger's granddaughter, - always opinionated, struggling to act justly, to love mercy and to walk both humbly & proudly.
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